Sunday, August 7, 2011

Streamlining social media- my "big 3" tools

I'll be honest... I tweet, A LOT.

None of my tweets are automated. I pick and schedule every one myself. Yes, I schedule; and you should too, because the world and the internet run 24/7. I've come to enjoy the interactions with such a wide variety of people that social media allows me to have. For a while I felt like I was chocking on social sites, that the return wasn't there and that I was wasting my time. As it turns out, I wasn't wasting my time, I was just wasting time. I've since found a few gems that have helped me cut a ton of time out of my social media routine, and I hope that in sharing them with you, you can streamline your social media interactions as well!

Organization is key; if you have things fed into you, you'll have more time to find and create great content, and more importantly, to listen to what people post. Here are a few of my organizational tools that I think you can use to help you as well!

Social Media dashboard- Hootsuite (pro)
Hootsuite is a great way to keep everything organized. It allows me to see my home feed, mentions, retweets and direct messages all on one screen. If you run multiple twitter, facebook, facebook fan pages or linked in accounts, Hootsuite can't be beat. I run 4 twitter accounts, a facebook, fan page, linked in and through my hootsuite, and having it all in one space is indispensable.

One of the greatest innovations in Hootsuite is the "Publisher" tab; It allows me to see when all of my content is scheduled for, and make adjustments as needed. I can filter it by one account or all of my accounts, and it is a HUGE time saver. I strongly suggest going pro; it allows you more than 5 linked accounts, analytics, and bulk scheduling for less than 6 bucks a month.

RSS reader: Google Reader
One of my biggest time expenses was trolling the internet for great content. I realized that over and over again, I went to the same 100 or so sites to get stuff to post. Visiting 100 sites a day, and all of the sidetracking that goes a long with it takes a hell of a long time. I found that feeding those sites' RSS feeds into google reader had cut hours out of the amount of time that I've spent on social media. 

I have a 45 minute train commute to work each day, and thank to the wonders of mobile wi-fi, I've got an internet connection the whole way. I used to just play a game, or listen to music, now I use that "dead" time looking over content, starring what I want to post and spend less "live" time looking for content.

One of the things that has made this so easy for me is Hootsuite's chrome extension; I'm now 2 clicks away from sharing content found through google reader.

Follower Management: SocialBro
SocialBro is a new addition for me; it has however made finding new followers, unfollowing those that don't follow back, and figuring out when to tweet pretty simple. I used to rely on #followfriday recommendations and Retweets of good content to find my new followers; with SocialBro, I can say" find all the people on twitter that have 1000-10,000 followers, a follower/follow ratio of no more than 2 that have tweeted in the last 3 days" and boom, there they are. I can target in on tons of indicators as I deem important, browse the profiles of those that come up, and meet a ton of new, interesting people. 

SocialBro is in Beta right now, but the potential is there for this to be a wonderful addition to any social media toolbox!

Those are my big 3 right now; What do you use to make social media more manageable? If you've got suggestions, I've got time to check them out now that I've freed up all of this time!

Monday, August 1, 2011

A "halfway there update on the "Johnny Mac" sign

We started this sign about 2 months ago, and although things have progressed slowly because it's been so busy, things have started rolling really quickly.

The sign is an HDU (high density urethane) wall sign; We use HDU because it is lighter than mahogany, flatter than mohogany, easier to shape and doesn't wick in water, so down the road it looks better, longer because it won't check, warp or crack.  In David's conversation with the client, he stated he wanted a carved 1959 corvette on there, as well as the flags- the rest was up to us. David got to work on a quick thumbnail sketch, and we hit the ground running!

I love the way this man sketches.
After a few layout and color tweaks, here is the rendering.

And a close-up view of the sign.

David got to programming the CNC router, And soon we had a roughed out shape.

Bob, our master carver with more that 20 years of experience, put his tools to work, refining and rolling over the banner and flag edges, and carving a corvette out of that big block of foam in the middle. You can see the reference photo at the top of this pic.

Bob's ability to turn foam into detail is amazing.
Once the car was where we all wanted it, the sign went off to paint for 2 coats of primer and 2 coats of Lava Grey. David hand stippled the background himself, and then the detail painting could begin.

I was out of the shop for 3 days with a bad back, so I was amazed at the progress when I came in this morning. The Vette was completely painted!

The level of detail is incredible; I ws amazed to see that we captured all of the iconic elements of this car.

Those fins- so beautiful! See the steering wheel through the windshield glare?

Down to the nubs on the tires. 

We were even able to get his vanity plate on there, just to make it even more personal!

The depth of this carving is incredible! Even that shadow looks true to life!

A few coats of finish paint and some gold leaf are all that's needed to get this sign ready for installation- I'm getting really excited, and I can't wait to show you the final results!